Thursday, December 6, 2007

#15 Web 2.0, Library 2.0

The article To a temporary place in time had an interesting perspective on the evolving nature of libraries and what 'library 2.0' means. It argued that we haved moved away from the library as a commodity "knowledge is power" and hard storage to a library that is product all about open access, diverse connections but not focussed expertise (2.0). The vision is that we are moving on to a library as VR coach, expert personalised on-line guides through the net/media (the idea that people might start collecting their favourite 'librarians' tickled my fancy) and then further to a virtual place or salon were ideas are discussed and media linked.
I had to agree with the cry 'down with lousy search interfaces' that came from Away from Icebergs. It is also certainly the case that with greater interconnection between libraries/information sources a harder look needs to be taken before purchasing 'just in case'. I balked a little at the implication that user education is not necessary and, while agreeing that patrons don't have to 'come to us', I feel the point that many people want to come to a library is overlooked. For many it is an outing, a destination, a chance to connect with people on an actual physical level.
While Library 2.0 may exist or be the near future for some, I cannot help thinking that as a species we are leaving many behind: those who cannot afford the lastest computer upgrades/gadgets, those whose basic needs such as food/shelter/protection cannot be met...

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