Sunday, December 16, 2007

#21 & #22

I gave a tricky assignment: I was attempting to find the song/album/reference that goes with the words "step through the doors". I actually think that was the name of the song ( an 80's alternative song from a band called Widowed Isis!). If anyone out there (come on, are even three people reading this?) knows of it or can help me locate it. PLEASE LET ME KNOW!
Anyway, after typing in "step through the doors" came up with St Paul's UMC Leonard Town On-Line Sermons! Err...not quite
The trouble with most podcasts is that you have to download other stuff with it eg. Quicktime 7; and, well, maybe this isn't a good metaphor but its a little like ' the more people you sleep with the more chance of diseases'. I tried listening/watching someone's music b.e.e.b.a.y.b.o.b.y.2 which was all swirls and plankton? - good on 'em but not my scene.

Ah, the world ebook fair site
the main thing that struck me was that this was a great site to get translations from eg. King Grisly-Beard by Gebruder Grimm (brothers Grimm to some) in English. I don't think I know that story, I have a mission.
The Baen eBooks Audio Sample Chapters (MP3) - supposedly of 'great sci-fi', well I had heard of a few of the authors but none of the books. Maybe i should be charitable, maybe they are really new/still being written?

1 comment:

I am not a Librarian said...

Hi Karlene - yes, there are more than three people reading this :o)